Wednesday, November 16, 2011

A Review of Nearing Home: Life, Faith, and Finishing Well by Billy Graham

There are two things a person can be sure of in this world: death and taxes.  I would like to add a third thing a person can be sure of and that is the faith Billy Graham has in Jesus Christ.

I have just finished reading Reverend Graham's latest book, Nearing Home: Life,  Faith, and Finishing Well and I can say that I am not disappointed in it.  This is not to say that there are a couple of areas in the book when I felt that the advice given by Reverend Graham seemed redundant and very basic to me as well as times that the focus of the book was more towards a more aged and elderly audience than to a general audience that included people of my age group or younger.  ( I am 43.) 

With that said however, Reverend Graham's emphasis is on Jesus Christ and the reader's relationship with Him and this is shown in every facet of his writing in this book.  Reverend Graham encourages the readers of this book to not drift away, nor fade away, but live strong as you age, passing down the accumulated knowledge and wisdom to those younger than the readers of this book.  The title of the book says it all: finishing well in life and faith. 

Reverend Graham still shows his love for everyone in this world as at least twice in this book he encourages his readers to pause and accept the free gift of salvation found in Jesus Christ.  Reverend Graham is best known as an evangelist for Jesus Christ and he is still going strong in his calling as shown in this book. 

Reading this book did feel to me like I was sitting down on the front porch with the grandfather everyone wants or needs and listening to the years of knowledge and wisdom being poured forth, and I listened to every word.  Yes, the book sometimes is a slow read, but bear with it; finishing the book will give you insight on how to best prepare for your years to come. 

I am giving this book four stars and am recommending this book to you.

Please note that this book was provided to me by Thomas Nelson Publishers for review.  I did not promise nor guarantee in any way a positive review.   This review is mine and mine alone and was not influenced by any outside party.

1 comment:

Espana said...

This book is great for someone who is elderly, middle-aged or just looking for great spiritual wisdom from a man who points the reader to The God who created us. Very encouraging also for someone who might be going through a hard time.