Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Pray through Ramadan With Open Doors USA

Today starts Ramadan for millions of Muslims worldwide and runs through September 9.  During this time, most Muslims will fast from dawn until dusk, seeking to rid themselves of their sins through acts of restraint. They believe this is a time of purification accomplished through good deeds and self control.

I mention this to you for a couple of reasons.  One is that I blog at times for and about the persecuted church, and two, Open Doors USA has published a calendar for 2010 to help you pray for the Muslim people of the world during this time especially to encounter Christ during this time.  So for this month, I will be posting everyday from that calendar specifically what it is asking us to pray for.  If you wish to download the calendar, the link is here.

Here is the first day:
Aug 11 | Iran
Growth in number of believers from Muslim background has resulted in church monitoring and closures.
Pray for Christians in Iran to walk without fear and have peace of heart through Jesus.
“The Spirit of the Lord is on me...He has sent me to proclaim freedom for the prisoners.” (Luke 4:18)

Please join me in praying this month for this specifically.

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