Saturday, October 29, 2011

A Review of No Wonder They Call Him the Savior Experiencing the Truth of the Cross By Max Lucado

“I just want to know what counts.” Deep Irish brogue. Dark, deep eyes. The statement was sincere. “Don’t talk to me of religion, I’ve been down that road. And please, stay off theology. I have a degree in that. Get to the heart of it, okay? I want to know what counts.”

With that opening statement, Max Lucado voices the question that most members of the human race will ask in their life lifetime.  In writing his book No Wonder They Call Him the Savior; Experiencing the Truth of the Cross, Max Lucado tells what the answer to this question is.

Normally when I review a book, I like to remain somewhat distant and do a review based on how I believe the book will affect the reader.  With this review I can't do that.  With this book, Max Lucado details why the Cross is the answer to the question everyone asks: "I want to know what counts".  In the first section, titled The Cross: Its Words, Lucado takes the words of Jesus as he agonizes on the cross and tells the reader what those words mean in simple practical terms.

 In the second section, titled The Cross: Its Witnesses, Lucado tells the individual stories of the people who were part of the events leading up to and right after the crucifixion of Christ.  From Peter, to Pilate, Barabbas to John, the stories told by the witnesses take the reader on journeys of regret, disbelief, and grief, but then you are shown hope and joy.  Then there is the last witness.  I won't name this witness but I guarantee you that you will be surprised.

The third and last section is titled The Cross: Its Wisdom and the first chapter of this section will really surprise you by the style of writing Lucado used for it.  For the remaining chapters Lucado draws on his own life experiences and the glimpse into his life is a telling one, full of love, humor and wisdom.  The last chapter asks the reader an important question.  I know how I answered that question.  I wonder how you, the reader will.

This is a book that I read quickly, on a flight from Dallas, Texas to Seattle, Washington and it is a book whose words have stayed with me.  It is also a book that I will read and re-read time and time again.  I am recommending this book and though you may find it as quick read as I did, be sure to take your time as you continue to read it.  In its simplicity, you will find wisdom, and the answer to a question you may have asked before: "What counts?"

(Disclosure:  I did receive an advanced copy of this book from Thomas Nelson Publishers to review and made no promises as to the nature of my review.  The posted review is mine and mine alone.)

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