Friday, November 02, 2012

DFW Weekend of Champions -- Day One

I'm exhausted, but it's okay.  Today was the first day of the Bill Glass' DFW Weekend of Champions and I and 41 other men ministered to as many men housed at the Sanders Estes Unit in Venus as we could. 

My day started at 4:30 AM as I woke up and got ready to leave.  Leaving at 5:30 I thought I would have plenty of time to arrive at the unit, over an hour away.  I was right as I got to the unit at 6:15 and waited for the rest of the team to arrive.  I'll be very honest when I say that I did not have anyone come up to me asking me what I was doing in a prison unit parking lot, in my car at this time of morning.  I would think that security would have been much tighter, even for a minimum security prison unit.  Goes to show what I know. 


We had one speaker who spoke in the morning and did a great job going over his testimony and the Gospel.  After he finished, he asked the inmates to join up with us teammates and I was privileged to go through our tract with three.  They were already believers, so we talked for a while about them and their families, and towards the end I had the further privilege to pray over and for them. 

After that we split up and went to the individual pods.  We spent four hours with the inmates in their pod and I was able to speak to a few of them.  One of them, whose nickname was "Short Bus" wasn't interested in knowing our message to him, but just wanted to show me his pictures of his son and his family.  His nickname, although derogatory was one given him by the other inmates due to his learning disabilities.  I was more than happy to sit with him and let him show me his family picture.  I may not have been able to go over the Gospel with him today, but hopefully my time with him will allow me to speak about it with him tomorrow.  Tomorrow we go back to the same pod, and the same group of inmates. 

Another one of the inmates wanted to discuss his notes on Lucifer's Flood, also known as the Gap Theory of Genesis 1: 1-2.  I have to admit that he had done several hours of work on his notes and word study, but I tried very hard to make sure he understood why we were there.  I presented the gospel to him, even drawing the bridge between man and God and explaining it.  He was adamant that it did not apply to him.  It was the one time that I was really frustrated during the day.  I ask you to pray for him.  His name is Justin Justice.

We had lunch with them and contrary to what most people believe prison food stinks.  Horribly bland tasting, not very nutritious and downright something I wouldn't serve my dogs, let alone a human being.  I challenge anyone out there that thinks prison is some sort of country club to come with me to one of these events.  Your eyes will be opened.

At 2:30 We left the pod and started back to the gym where we were holding the afternoon event.  We had country music and another speaker and once again after finishing his testimony and the gospel message the inmates were encouraged to come and talk to us.  I had one who came to me and I asked him what he believed and where he thought he'd go when he died.  When he said heaven I asked him why would God let him into His heaven and he didn't know why.  I told him that we needed to go over our gospel tract so I could show him the only reason why God would allow him into heaven. 

We went over the gospel tract and I asked him point blank what side of the line did he want to be on?  He had a choice to make and I challenged him to make it.  To my surprise he excused himself politely and left our table!  A few minutes later he came back and said he was ready.  We prayed together and the angels rejoiced over his decision to surrender to Christ.

A little while later we ended day one and headed out. 

Day two starts in eleven hours from now.

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